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HungryLab is a graphic design studio based in Riga. We create the full scope of brand identity experience starting from strategic positioning, brand-name creation and logo design and ending with specific sales and marketing materials, packaging and web design and development.
Our newest work
We believe that good results can be achieved only through research and sound arguments in strategic decisions as well as design and user experience solutions.
Identity design process
1. The Brief
We meet the client and come to an agreement, what is the actual situation and the problem to be solved. Sometimes this means changing the initial plan of the client. For example, the client might want just a new website, but we analyze the positioning and the current brand artifacts (name, logo, identity) and realize that they must be changed to fit the client needs. Click here to download the questionnaire to be answered before the Brief.
2. Research
After the Brief has been approved, Hungry team researches the market client operates in, the competition positioning and branding attributes, SWOT analysis of the client, if necessary. Proper market research project is advised and very useful if already in hand. The results of the research are presented together with the Positioning and mood-board proposal.
3. Positioning
The positioning proposal, the character of the client's brand and the mood-board are prepared and presented to the client. This includes the relative positioning comparing to the competitive landscape, as well as defining the unique characteristics of the brand itself. A good positioning strategy goes a long way helping all the upcoming design tasks.
4. Brand name
If there is no Brand name, this is the time it has to be chosen. This is a very intimate and sensitive process, as the Brand name will be there for the client on daily basis, this is why high involvement of the client representatives is very important. We have a name creation matrix method that we use to have a wide variety of choices, that sometimes lead to new unthought of ideas. The brand might and might not have a tag line or a slogan.
5. Logo, colors, fonts
After the Brand name is chosen, the chosen Hungry designer takes the Brief and works on Logo proposals. Usually we have up to 3 proposals of logo ideas and usually we start with a black and white versions. If one of the ideas is chosen, it is developed further into color versions, fonts and other identity properties are added and presented once again. If none of the ideas are approved in the first round, we have a second round of ideas.
6. Identity materials
At the Brief stage, we agree upon the list of identity materials that will be necessary and once the logo, colors, fonts and identity sketches are approved, these materials are created one by one. Identity materials might include some of the following: business cards, letterheads, envelopes, stickers, packaging (boxes, shopping bags, etc.), souvenirs and clothing (pens, cups, T-shirts, hats, aprons, etc.), street signs, light boxes, etc.
Web design process
1. Specification
Before Hungry team can prepare a cost estimate for the client website creation, we need a Specification of the site structure and content, as the costs depend heavily on the number of different layouts that need to be designed as well as coded. Click here to download the Web design questionnaire. If there already is a site in place, but it needs re-design, here is another questionnaire to help us with estimating the resources needed.
2. Design & development
After the Specification is filed, identity materials and sample content is received, the chosen Hungry designer will start work on the web design sketches. This takes at least 1-2 weeks as it involves both style design ans development of the structure to fit user needs. After the sketches are approved the final layouts with real content are designed and the coding of the back-end can be started. The length of the design process will depend on the speed of decision-making and the ability to provide content.
3. Coding
Once sketches are approved the process of coding can begin, however, the front-end coding can be started only once the final designs with real content are approved. The time needed to finalize the coding of the site will depend on the amount of different content in the website and the complexity of the end result. If creation of CMS is necessary, a couple of weeks must be reserved for that.
4. Content adding (via CMS)
Once the website is finished with real sample content provided for the design, if there is a CMS system behind the website, Hungry team organizes a training for the client representatives of how to use the CMS. After the training, the client's team can add content and afterwards maintain the website up to date. If new content needs to be added after the site has been finished, this will be done for additional charge according to the agreed hourly rate.
5. Testing & launch
After all the content is added, the site has to be tested properly accross different browsers and platforms and only then it can be launched. If the site is responsive, it has to also be tested on different screen sizes and devices. The additional steps for launch are: arranging hosting of the website and domain name registration. Happy launching!