Rewarding the fight against climate change

The Quro is a special currency that rewards people and companies for performing a wide range of sustainable activities.


How Moneta Protocol works

We all want to save the world, but someone’s got to pay for it.  

The Quro is designed to pay for it. Acting sustainably is not always easy, and some sacrifices have to be made. We’re here to reward you for what you’re doing.

It doesn’t matter if you’re an individual, a family or a company. If you produce renewable energy, buy eco-friendly products, recycle, and live and work sustainably in many other ways, you can start earning Quros.

Learn more about how to get and spend Quros and get notified when we launch in your location!

Follow us
on the road

OCT, 2018

Product DEV & Partners recruitment

DEC, 2018

Internal Pilot with current partners

Q1, 2019

POC launch & Merchant onboarding 

Q2, 2019

Full launch

POC in Germany

The Quro is being launched first in Berlin, Germany.

Why Germany?

In Berlin we've partnered up with great companies who share the same vision

Active industries:



Sign up to start earning Quros in Berlin!


Sharing the same vision with: