100% alright. Everything in one place.
Log in from anywhere to see instant data feeds.
Hunderds of apps can be added
Keep track your users across the whole world
Our infrastructure scales with you, no matter what
90 days history helps to get historical data
Join our ecosystem of apps developed by other users
Everything is changing all the time. Be the first one to know about it. The app allows instant feedback from various data sources. Of course, notifications are there too.
Being a data driven company is challenging. Keep an overview on everything that goes on in your company. There are even special views for the management and the sales department.
We’re a multidisciplinary team based in Boston, MA, passionate about interactive design. ultidisciplinary team based in Boston.
We’re a multidisciplinary team based in Boston, MA, passionate about interactive design. ultidisciplinary team based in Boston.
We’re a multidisciplinary team based in Boston, MA, passionate about interactive design. ultidisciplinary team based in Boston.
We’re a multidisciplinary team based in Boston, MA, passionate about interactive design. ultidisciplinary team based in Boston.
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